Meet & Greet OGAE jäsenille Liverpool / Meet & Greet for OGAE members in Liverpool



EBU ja OGAE International ovat sopineet että euroviisujen ensimmäisen harjoitteluviikon aikana OGAE klubien jäsenillä on mahdollisuus tavata artisteja akkreditoidun fanimedian lisäksi. Näitä tapahtumia on keskiviikkona 3.5. torstaina 4.5. ja perjantaina 5.5. euroclubilla, yhteensä 20 artistia. Fanit voivat ilmoittautua ja lähettää kysymykset oheisten linkkiien kautta ja moderaattorit valitsevat sitten kysymykset. 

OGAE Members: keskiviikko

OGAE Members: torstai

OGAE Members: perjantai

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Some time back the EBU approached us and asked if we could provide facilities for media meet & greet sessions during rehearsal week in Liverpool. These events are the "official" meet & greets and are primarily for the fan media who may only have online accreditation, however, the EBU agreed that the sessions could be open to OGAE members as well.

We currently have commitments from 20 acts that they will take part in these meet & greet sessions on Wednesday 3, Thursday 4 and Friday 5 May.

Although only accredited press will be able to ask questions, when registering, our members can also submit a question that they would like asked and the moderators will then select appropriate one.

Members can register using these links:

OGAE Members: Wednesday

OGAE Members: Thursday

OGAE Members: Friday

The form for submitting a question is included in the explanation of the event on the ticket page.